Friday, May 20, 2005

Rejoice, ye (reasonably) pure in heart!

I am soon to be done with my masters degree! Yesterday, I met with Indra, the graduate graduation coordinator, and confirmed that I will definitely be graduating in December. An unexpected bonus was the fact that I will need only 5 units between now and the end of next term. I thought I needed 9 units, so I was stressing about having to take summer school and all that. However, everything worked out so nicely, and now I just have to make sure that I will be able to get 3 TTTH or TTHT elective units in the fall, which is not as easy as it sounds, since there is only one (yes, 1) theology elective being offered, and it is for 2 units. I will not despair, however, for the arranged or independent study course shall be my friend, and Kevin Lewis has offered to help me out. If only Dr. Gomes is feeling helpful and approves my course requests… What I really want is to take Patristic and Medieval Theology, which is a 3-unit historical theology class (the first is a sequence of two), but I took the one-course Historical Theology Survey (since I am MA, not MDiv), and if you take that, then you cannot take either of the classes in the two-course sequence (the other being Reformation and Modern Theology). Arg! I really want to take classes dealing with church history and the ancient church, so it’s frustrating. Perhaps Gomes will let me have an arranged 3-unit course (which will have a different course number, so it’s all legal) for Early Christian Theology, in which I attend the lectures for P&M and then do my own special reading and a paper.

Oh, the trials of a theology major! If theology is so important, why isn’t Talbot (officially named Talbot School of Theology) more helpful to theologians? I need theology electives, and is that such an unreasonable request? Sheesh!

Anyway, my other meeting yesterday was my end-of-semester meeting for those evil discussion classes I like to take. I had a good conversation with Dr. Yim, and Dr. Sanders was there, too. I was able to share a lot of my frustrations with western-centric thinking and people’s tendency not to challenge underlying assumptions that have been plentiful in our readings for the semester. I suspect that the tutors might find it refreshing to have a student who doesn’t gush about the perfection of Lewis, Chesterton, et al, and instead questions, “Are their views correct? Do they offer true Christianity or just their own versions? How could they have presented Christianity better?” Yim apparently found great humor in my PQ rant against Eliot and his sucky poetry, and my reference to Guinevere as a slut. I'm just not capable of appreciating anglocentric free verse modern poetry.

Then I had lunch with Mia at Juice Stop and Bonjour Bagel. Mia was dissatisfied with her smoothie, so she asked if she could get a different one or something. She was told, “No, that is what you ordered. We can’t give you anything different.” The manager of Juice Stop is very rude, so rude that we are not going to patronize the store in La Mirada anymore. Hello, I’ve been a faithful patron since 1996, and all you need to do to retain my business is provide good, responsible customer service, and not be a jerk to my sister—I’m not talking about pandering to every customer who whines that you gave him the wrong color of straw; I’m talking about admitting a problem and trying to make a regular customer happy with your product. I would encourage all of my readers to also boycott the La Mirada Juice Stop.

Christine reminded me last night of another memory from Horton: The fact that during 1997-1998, Austin Powers was always playing on the lobby TV. Yes, that I remember! Instead of roommate night, Sara, Elizabeth, and I went to Christine and Mikel's place for a little get-together-- Jeremy and William were there, too. We were seeing the Del Rosarios last night because, of course, they are soon to embark on their journey to the Philippines, and while we are excited to send them off, we are also sad that they will be so far away.

I'm still fighting off that cold that I acquired on Wednesday (when I had a sore throat and was utterly exhausted). I am now at the sneezy, runny-nose stage. I'm a little tired, but other than that, I don't feel sick. Just stuffy.


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