Tuesday, April 19, 2005

What is happening with my life?

I am at work. Eating tomato soup. There are lots of people here, customers and contractors, since we have a technical review tomorrow and Thursday. I wish the people would go away. They make it hard for me to work.

I've been edgy all day, and I've been SNACKING, which is quite unusual for me. That is, it's not unusual for me to eat snacks, but I really never just nibble all morning, as I did today. I usually eat a bit, to take the edge off of hunger and maintain energy and blood sugar. Oh, well.

Jeff and I are waiting to hear from a mortgage company today, to see if we will be able to BUY A HOUSE. We are supposed to hear by the end of the day. If it goes well, I'll share details.

I'm done with my soup. I'll sign off now.


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