Sunday, May 29, 2005

Another sunny Southern California holiday weekend!!

I'm sitting on the couch, watching Episode IV of Star Wars (A New Hope, of course). I haven't seen it for a few years, so it's nice to revisit good old times. What amazes me is how well a lot of the special effects hold up with time. Of course, the energy and humor are all there. We're about to start Episode V: Empire Strikes Back.

Jeff and I saw Episode III: Revenge of the Sith on Friday night. It didn't suck as badly as Episodes I and II. Lucas' attempts at political commentary amused me.

By the way, watching Ep. V: ESB reminds me of my sister's passage from childhood to awareness-- It was the moment when she realized that Yoda and Fozzie Bear have exactly the same voice. Heheh.

This week was rather busy. I finished my school work in good time-- I had my Cults of America final on Monday night. However, I had to keep on working on school-related stuff, trying to get things in order for summer and fall classes. I'm still trying to make sure things are correct with my account, since the charges from Torrey Europe are still not correctly reversed. I'll have to deal with getting tuition refunded to my company, once Accounting gets their act together. As far as I can tell, the majority of Biola is staffed by rank idiots. Anyway, I met with Dr. Holloman to discuss having an arranged course in the fall. *sigh*

Friday, I went to work and then to two graduations: Biola's undergraduate Torrey graduation and the one for the various graduate schools. I was surprised at how sad I was at the Torrey ceremony. I guess I hadn't realized how much many of those young people have meant to me. Last year, I didn't care that much about a lot of the people with whom I had taken classes, but by the end of this year, I'd had two years with several of them, and we'd had some very intense times together. I guess I wish that Talbot had the ability to make learning as effective as what I experienced with the focus on community and scholarship in the undergraduate classes I took. Well, such is life. Perhaps I shall find my calling in bringing such an approach to education at the graduate level. But sadly, my schedule will not permit me to continue in my involvement there, and honestly, with the few people with whom I really felt a connection graduating and leaving, I would have a hard time continuing. But anyway, I was there. I met up with Rebecca Carroll, and told her that I was moving to Visalia, and thought we could maybe become friends. She was very nice, and said she thought it would be very nice.

I went to Talbot (and other graduate) graduation, because Jessica, Alan Conrow, and Phil Scharer were graduating. I saw with Dan and Will. But I had to leave before it was finished, because it ran longer than I had expected. Will and I had fun laughing at the pretentious speaking style of the commencement speaker, Lloyd Ogilvie. Oh, well.

Yesterday, I spent about an hour helping the Del Rosarios clean their apartment. They had a lot of people helping, mainly from their church, so I just lent a hand by cleaning the bathroom. Then Jeff and I went home, and Christina came over. She was very tired, having just run six miles, and we just hung out, and transferred our CDs to the computer for the purpose of backing them up and having them for the I-Pod. Christina got so tired that she decided to go home and nap, and Jeff and I ended up going to dinner with the Winters at BJs. All four of us came back to our place to play games (ended up being Beyond Balderdash). Since I was off contract, I had a few drinks of Cointreau, with the result that I ended up getting very sleepy. *yawn* High-strung as I am, I've found my cure for insomnia.


Blogger Kiti said...

By the way, my title for this blog entry was IRONIC. It is not sunny today, in Southern California.

5:42 PM  

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