Saturday, October 29, 2005

In the zone

Multiple people have informed me that I do not post often enough. Sorry! I wish I had a more exciting life. I wish I had fewer inhibitions. I'll try to do better on both counts, so as to provide more and better blog postage.

I got up a little after 8 am this morning, and started some laundry, and am about to do more packing. Jeff is still sleeping. We're going to pack pretty much all day, although I need to eat something first.

Let's see. What has transpired since my last post?

-Stayed home because of TMJ pain (I hurt from my cheekbones down to the base of my neck) and the simple fact that I absolutely could NOT go to work that day. I was done. Finished. It literally made me cry to think of going into my office and just doing work.
-Chatted with Debbie about possibilities for teaching high school and college in the spring.
-Watched an old movie, The Man in Possession. My Robert Montgomery obsession is just short of my Joel McCrea obsession, and he's such a great light comedian. This guy deserves to be remembered better than he is today!
-Packed two boxes.
-Spent a few hours with Christina.

-Went to work, while self-medicating with Fall Out Boy and Blink-182, because at least my jaw was well enough to allow me to open up and eat food.
-Arrived at the office after getting coffee, because I KNEW I needed that extra chemical boost.
-Upon entering my office and turning on the computer, I saw an e-mail from Tuesday afternoon stating that there would be a dry run starting at 8 am, for the Technical Interchange Meetings that are taking place next week (Nov. 1-3). Now, I think the dry run (or better, peer review) for the TIM is a good idea, but it was short notice, even if I HAD been in the office on Tuesday, and I didn't have any charts ready. Great. Swell. Fabulous. I also had no one to present the charts, because no one had volunteered, and I will be MOVING that day, so I'm quite busy, thank you very much. I sort of bullied B into doing it, but then Cheryl stepped up to the challenge and agreed to present, thereby establishing herself as my Hero of the Week. Even so, I could actually feel my jaw tightening and increasing in pain by the minute, through the morning.
-Left work early: had to let Jeff drive to the chiropractor to get a check-up on his neck.
-Met with my Talbot proctor for my class in the Ancient Church. We discussed my potential paper topic, and the scheduling of my midterm. She turned out to be fairly nice, which is a contrast to the other time I'd dealt with her (Talbot/registrar foul-ups: a semesterly feature in Deb's life). She was all happy for me, that I'm moving to the Central Valley; in fact, she used to be on staff with Campus Crusade at CSU Fresno, so she knows it well!
-Went to Starbucks and spent a few hours chatting with my old math pupil, Susie. It was great! She's doing so well-- graduated from high school and looking into different options for further education and career. Kami was supposed to meet us there, but she didn't show up, and since I don't have her phone or e-mail, I can't really contact her to follow up. It's okay. Seeing Susie was just excellent, in and of itself. We also happened to see Josh Barber and his girlfriend (Brianna?) there.

-Work again. Took the bus in, and worked 10 fairly productive hours, and took the bus home.
-Utter exhaustion.
-Watched episode of Star Trek: Voyager. It was the one with Neelix and holographic lungs; so much wrong there, scientifically, that I was griping the whole time. I really need to learn to improve that "suspension of disbelief" thing.
-Last roommate night at the Feely apartment! We studied Romans 14-15, and then went in the hot tub. Good time, but sad, too.

-Did the work thing yet again, which involved dropping Jeff off at the Park-and-Ride, and picking him up after.
-We had a little group lunch, with Killa CD, Patton Stang, and Proud Father Jim Tway. We were joined by Tina (who gets every other Friday off, thanks to her work schedule at LA DWP), and new invitee Steve B. (also a proud father, whose child was born on the same day as Jim's--weird, huh?), who brought his GMD friend Arash. We talked about everything from convertible cars (guys think they're chick magnets; I hate them) to George Takei "coming out". Good guys, good times. I even got Doug to play Blink in his car on the way over.
-Had dinner and evening fun with the Guthries. We get along really well. We ate at Panera (because no one bothered to consult me before choosing a restaurant), and then rented and watched Kung Fu Hustle. I liked Shaolin Soccer better.
-Came home really late.


Blogger Unknown said...

For the record, when Deb says that she wasn't consulted, it means that I asked her where she would rather go and she couldn't come up with anything and didn't offer any suggestions.

11:50 AM  
Blogger Melissa P. said...

Thanks for clarifying. Sorry Deb! You pick next time, ok?

4:56 PM  
Blogger Sher said...

::green with envy::

1:15 AM  

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