Friday, October 07, 2005

Attention, Film/Video Majors!

Apparently Al Qaeda has taken note of the poor reviews its recent films have received.
For example, the 2005 Los Angeles/Melbourne threat video was universally panned.
In response,
Al Qaeda has begun attempting to recruit A/V professionals to give its propaganda that slick Hollywood feel.

In other news: The Ig Nobel Prizes are being handed out, just as the Nobel Prizes are.
The inventor of synthetic dog testicles took home the Ig Nobel Prize for medicine. Read about his work and that of the other winners.

The Nobel Prizes have been fairly standard this year.
Physics--for research into quantum properties in optics
Chemistry--for the discovery of metathesis method of organic synthesis
Medicine--for proving that bacteria, not stress, cause stomach ulcers. Thank goodness, or else my stomach would be riddled with holes like the surface of the moon...
Peace--for doing something with nuclear inspection at the UN. Not sure how this would be classified as strictly related to "peace" in this war-torn world, but I must answer my own implied query with just two words: Yasser Arafat. Or Henry Kissinger. Yeah. Earlier this week, I read speculation that U2 rockers were being considered for the award. Whatever. *snicker*
Economics--not yet announced
Literature--not yet announced


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