Monday, October 17, 2005

Dre-e-e-e-eam, dream dream dream!

Sherida told me that my blog is boring. I need to post more. As my dear Laurel has been regaling us with tales of her dreams, I decided to do the same, having awakened from quite a doozy, so to speak, a while back!

I dreamed that I was back as a student at Biola (you know, the real kind of student who actually goes to classes). For some reason, I was in the old cafeteria lobby, and noticed the camera/lights/boom mike setup that indicated that filming was going on. Suddenly, a short woman with her hair in a tight bun pulled me aside and told me that I needed to be the anchor for B-TV. What?!? Apparently, the usual student anchor was absent, but had already submitted the story he was to report, so I needed only to read it. I looked it over, and it was standard info about the celebration of the life of a respected film director. Okay, whatever.

I am seated at the newsanchor table, and flurries of action begin. I suddenly realize that I am stark naked.
"Hello?" I call. "I really can't do this. I don't think Biola will like nudity on B-TV."
"You'll be fine. I know we can count on you."
I look down at my teleprompter sheet, and discover that the information I am supposed to present has disappeared, and a completely different story is written there.
"No, wait! My information is gone! I don't know what to say, anymore."
"Don't worry about it. You'll be great."
Suddenly, I am on camera. I open my mouth, and begin babbling, "This famous director made a great impact on cinema, and was renowned for his atmosphere... He directed the musical numbers for The Sound of Music." I can't remember the guy's name! I finish my sound bite and proceed to exit (I don't remember how), still naked. After it's all over, it hits me: Leo McCarey.
[Editor's note: Now, let me pacify any eager and critical movie buffs. I know that in real life, Leo McCarey did not direct the musical numbers in The Sound of Music. However, in my dream reality, he did. Okay? Okay. I too am an eager/critical movie buff.]

Let's play Psychoanalyst. What does this strange dream mean? Perhaps it means that I fear situations where I feel both out-of-control and keenly scrutinized. But, let's face it: Pretty much anyone would feel anxiety about the situation, if forced to be naked and go on television to give an impromptu speech about an unknown topic. The only exception might be an extraverted host of a talk show on the Nudist Channel (I'm thinking someone like Jim Maljanian, but... I don't even want to consider the idea of him being naked.). So I think that in the end, this dream simply demonstrates that I am a human being, after all.


Blogger Sher said...

Boring? I don't remember saying it was boring ... just ... postless.

10:41 PM  

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