Sunday, June 05, 2005


Ever have a day that just didn't turn out as you expected? Well, yesterday was one of those days for me. I woke up after 10 am, which was okay, because it was Saturday and I had no morning plans. Jeff woke up, too, and we just sort of sat around for a few hours, trying to decide what to eat for breakfast; our problem is that when we are hungry, both of us are indecisive and rather unable to cook anything. Finally, Jeff decided that we would go to IHOP. We went, accordingly, and had good food with good conversation. Coming home again, I settled on the couch to do a bit of reading for school, while Jeff started playing Halo. I started getting a little sleepy, and felt my eyes drifting closed. I rested my eyes for a tad, and then started to read again. Next thing I knew, I was waking up c. 6 pm. I had slept the entire afternoon away! This may not be a big deal for some folk, but for me, it is very unusual. I seldom take naps, because I am seldom able to relax enough in the middle of the day. My only conclusion is that the book I was reading--The Discarded Image, by C.S. Lewis--is a snoozer powerful enough to sedate even me. I knew it was dull, but didn't expect it to be that dull. Anyway. I did barely any homework, when I was expecting to complete a lot of it.
I think that I didn't realize how exhausted I am, thanks to the schedule I have been keeping this past week. I work every day, of course, at least 8 hours, and then I am taking a summer school course, which meets every night from 18:00-21:20. The class is the Theology of C.S. Lewis, which is a curious concept to me, as Lewis was not a theologian, per se. But the teacher (named Jerry Root) says that the class is not about C.S. Lewis, but rather is about God, just seen through the lens of Lewis' writings. Well, okay, but it's simply agonizing to sit and listen to someone talk about Lewis for more than three hours straight. My experiences in a discussion-oriented class have predisposed me to want to discuss material, particularly rich material such as much of Lewis' writing. Jerry Root just talks and talks and tells stories, and while some people might like that, I hate it. He mentions Abolition of Man, and I think, "Yes, let's talk about Abolition of Man," because there are a lot of depths to mine there, and I don't really agree with everything Lewis has to say. He brings up the fact that Lewis was deeply influenced by Dante, and I think, "Yes, let's talk about Dante," but we never do! Root just rattles on and gives his opinions, and I think the class would be greatly improved by group interaction. I mean, I have lots to say about Dante and Dorothy Sayers and Charles Williams, et al, and I think everyone would benefit from sharing their ideas (as well as hearing mine--heheh!).


Blogger Melissa P. said...

Spoiled by Torrey. (aren't we all?)

11:18 AM  

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