Friday, March 04, 2005

Happy Friday!

It was a long day, overall. I woke up at 5:45 and went down to the workout center with Jeff; we met Christina there, and I logged a mile on the elliptical machine. Then I rushed through the shower and met Christina for breakfast at Starbucks. We had a good talk. Then I drove to work and did work-type stuff, including a presentation for the project review--goodness knows I'm so tired after all the charts and meetings this week. I left work a bit early because I had mid-semester rags, and I received approval for my proposal for a project researching a contemporary humanitarian issue. It was a good meeting. Jeff and I went grocery shopping as soon as we both were home, and he cooked Mexican-type food while I cleaned a bit. Ben and Amanda came over for dinner, and then we watched Simpsons and played Beyond Balderdash. Fun, fun.

This weekend, I need to:
Read and answer questions for Unmasking the Cults
Obtain and read Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling (again)
Begin research for my project
Wash, dry, fold, and put away the laundry
Clean the kitchen
Call Katie and Christie

Today's Friday Fashion Feature is a discussion on hats--to wear or not to wear? I appreciate hats, but don't look good in many of them. I have a large black flowered hat that I consider flattering, and a couple of classic berets, and I can get away with a knit stocking cap (my grunge/punk roots showing through). Other than that, hats are a no-go. By contrast, my sister looks great in most hats. While chapeaux are no longer de rigeur for any time one steps out of the house, as they were through the 1960s, they are still a popular fashion item. I actually like hats for their practical use: I get cold easily, and hats work to retain body heat that would otherwise escape through the head. My berets and stocking caps work well enough for that. Well, I'd write more, but it's bedtime.


Blogger jaspercaesar said...

Hello. I am from the other side of the Pacific, and I must say that Fridays and Starbuck's can somehow be the norm for most people. However, let me take this opportunity to invite you to read about my entries and discover the world from across the seas. God bless.

12:05 AM  
Blogger Kiti said...

Jaspercaesar, I didn't ask for your input. However, it may interest you to find that I too am from across the Pacific (Indonesia), although I now live in the United States. Greetings to another Pacific islander.

12:10 PM  

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