Sunday, February 20, 2005


Sadly, there was a paucity of actual sun today. It was cloudy and rainy. But it was decent enough, with coffee with Christina and then church (despite the fact that the pastor isn't as careful as he should be--grrr) in the morning, and then Laurel coming over for a few hours in the afternoon, during which we ate lunch, exercised, went in the spa, and had a great time talking all throughout. She had to go see Bachan and Chichan (approximate spellings, thank you), so she left, Jeff disappeared into the back room to study, and I did a bit of cleaning and homework, watched an older movie (Gambit, 1966) that I'd recorded on DVR, and pretty much relaxed. Right now, I have a nasty stomach ache--Jeff said, "You shouldn't have eaten junk food for dinner, now, should you?" but I didn't really have junky food: popcorn and pineapple, and just one cookie. Okay, maybe it wasn't especially well-rounded, but there was nothing there that should have triggered an ache. Oh, well.
Touchy is kneading his paws on the blanket on the couch, next to me. That's just about the most exciting thing going on around here.

Some people who shall remain nameless have wondered about my blog name. "What is a fearless kiti? Why are you so weird?" My predisposition toward weirdness may be genetic but is none too certain; I can, however, address other questions.

Q. Are you really fearless?
A. No, but I wish I were, and perhaps I can achieve it through power of suggestion.

Q. Is your name really Kiti?
A. It's really my nickname.

Q. Do you really dance through life?
A. I approach life with an attitude ranging from a light-hearted jig to a dramatic Dying Swan adagio. Occasionally, I am siezed by fits of belly dancing.


Blogger luminarumbra said...

Dancing is a good way to go through life.

1:41 AM  

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